About Dorina

Biography and influences

With almost insatiable thirst for knowledge on the search for new cures and for explanations of why children develop in different ways - one way or the other way - I made a great discovery: I found myself!

And learned that the best therapist is one who leads the man to himself. To his own innate wisdom and to remind him: You're wearing the solution within you and only you know what you can do to heal your situation! Your intuition tells you the path. You only need to listen to it.

My healing methods lead my clients to realize their own solution. Words are not my language. My work brings people into their own hearts, where they feel, they recognize and know.

schmetterling gespiegeltIn working with children and families, I realized that a person can not be considered separately, but only in the larger context - in its entire context. In the children's therapy, it is therefore essential to involve the family. To find solutions together. The family system is a micro-macro system in our society.

If our society would be founded on maintaining a loving and attentive contact towards one another, listening to the wisdom in our hearts, to celebrate the retreat, instead of being focused on performance, accelerating lifestyles and consumption - then we would probably have much less need for therapists. Children are the future of our society and show us clearly what we are doing wrong. Because children are our mirror. If in a society that is more and more kids 'need therapy', we must ask ourselves if this is not perhaps in our society, in our lifestyle.

In my travels to remote areas of our earth, to people who live close to nature, in harmony with nature - and thus with themselves - I noticed that the children there do rest much more in himself. That they can keep busy

for hours with themselves or with other children and learn from each other in a natural way.

My personal path therefore at this time leads me to the questions: How can a healthy society look like? How can we create conditions in which our children have freedom to develop and discover their individual gifts.

schmetterlingWhere they can develop, but also learn the necessary support and education in order to assert themselves in later life. How must our own life be to help us being good role models to our children?

I believe: A New Earth begins with myself. And with you.

We must not transform the entire world. If every human being just cares good for himself and his personal environment. If every family for themselves and their children create healthy conditions, then we have already reached Utopia.
The limits of your lived reality - only you determine.


1976  born in Essen / Germany
1982-1995  Elementary School and High School, Essen / Germany 
1995-1996  Voluntary work in an occupational therapy project in Guaratinguetá, Brasil
1996-1997  Voluntary work in occupational therapy, Essen / Germany 
1997-2000 Annastift, Professional O.T. school, Hannover / Germany
2000-2006 Working as an O.T. in different clinics and institutions, Essen / Germany
2005 Naturopath exam, Essen / Germany
2005-2006 Chinese medicine school, Wuppertal / Germany
2006-2007 Constitutional acupuncture school, Oldenburg / Germany
2006 Opening of my own clinic in Monheim, Germany
2007-today Annual travels to study Yoga und Qi Gong, Thailand
Dec. 2010 - Feb. 2011 Life changing illness, shamanic initiation, healing journey, Thailand
Shamanic studies and vision quest, Peru and Chile

Teachings and Workshops

since 2006 
  • Lectures and workshops for teachers and kindergarten teachers
    (preventive group education and class exercise)
  • Lectures and workshops for therapists
    (wholistic therapy, wholistic development advancement)
seit 2009 
  • annual guest teacher at teacher's college, Neuss / Germany 
seit 2011 
  • continuing education for therapists: wholistic pediatrics Monheim, Germany

Training and formative encounters with teachers and masters

I want to thank here all my teachers and companions. Not everything I've learned, I learned in formal education or training. Much I have learned from life itself, or even by people who were masters of their craft and have shared their knowledge with me. From the people I met, who have been a role model, or who have been my companion on my journey. I thank you all for it. I am very happy to meet you to be and some of you still have in my life. And I'm looking forward to all those I will meet again, and to my present and future students to whom I may pass on this wealth of knowledge now.

Occupational therapists

Naturopaths and naturopathic doctors - Acupuncture

Naturopaths and naturopathic doctors - Energetics

Naturopaths and naturopathic doctors - other methods

Asian health and kinetic techniques, Yoga and Taoist philosophy


Hands-on training

 Books I recommend

Bücher - Kindesentwicklung, Psychologie und Entwicklungspsychologie

- Jirina Prekop: Kinder sind Gäste, die nach dem Weg fragen; Einfühlung oder die Intelligenz des Herzens; Der kleine Tyrann

- Erika J. Chopich, Margaret Paul: Aussöhnung mit dem inneren Kind

- Jean Ayres: Bausteine der kindlichen Entwicklung

- Dorothea Beigel: Flügel und Wurzeln

Bücher - Akupunktur
- Angela und John Hicks, Peter Mole: Five Element Constitutional Acupuncture

- Josef Viktor Müller: Den Geist verwurzeln - Die Namen der Akupunkturpunkte als Bindestriche der Psychosomatik

- Klaus-Dieter Platsch: Psychosomatik in der chinesischen Medizin

- Julian Scott und Teresa Barlow: acupunture in the treatment of children

- Thomas Wernicke: Shonishin - Japanese children acupuncture

- Ulja Krautwald, Christine Li: Der Weg der Kaiserin

- Bob Flaws und H. Lee Wolfe: Das Yin und Yang der Ernährung

- Barbara Temelie: Ernährung nach den Fünf Elementen

Bücher - Ganzheitliches Heilen

- Barbara Ann Brennan: Licht-Arbeit; Licht-Heilung

- Dietmar Krämer: Neue Therapien - Serie

- Lise Borbeau: Dein Körper sagt: Liebe dich

- Louise L. Hay: You can heal your life


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